Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeIslamic NewsStorms and floods batter Afghanistan

Storms and floods batter Afghanistan

More than 700 families have been left in urgent need of humanitarian assistance after heavy storms battered eastern and northern Afghanistan over the past week.

Strong storms, heavy rains and flash floods have laid waste to large parts of Afghanistan’s eastern and northern provinces, including Badakhshan, Kunar, Laghman, Nangarhar, and Nuristan.

Approximately 40 fatalities have been confirmed so far, and more than 250 injuries have been reported.

Urgent needs

While assessments are ongoing, initial reports indicate that more than 730 families require urgent humanitarian assistance.

More than 570 houses have suffered damage or been destroyed, according to the United Nations.

Torkham border crossing point, which serves as a main entry point for Afghan returnees from Pakistan, has also been heavily damaged by the storms. Water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities and 400 tents have been damaged or destroyed in the nearby Omari camp for internally displaced peoples.

Preparing a response

Islamic Relief has an office in Nangarhar, as well as ongoing projects in many of the affected areas.

Our team is coordinating with local authorities and participating in provincial meetings with other humanitarian actors in the affected regions to plan the best possible course of action to help those affected.

With many flood-affected families sheltering outside destroyed and damaged houses, it is likely that the urgent needs of the affected will include providing access to food, shelter, health care, and sanitation services.

Islamic Relief has been working in Afghanistan for more than 23 years, providing emergency relief and implementing life-changing development projects for some of the most vulnerable people in the country.

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